Running in your backyard in normal times sounds crazy. This is not normal times. Running 42.3+km in your backyard in crazy times sounds FRESH.
This Fresh event does not fall under the ‘Do not attempt at home kids’ category but must be attempted at HOME
Leader Board

Let’s try and make this a spectator’s event and post your progress, aid station, crew, route etc.
Rules are simple:
- Run 42.3km and more in your backyard (Guys with big backyards you are limited to a 300m route)
- Measure your lap exactly and keep count of laps. GPS device measurements accepted but keep in mind it might be inaccurate due to covered areas and switchbacks on route.
- No time or attempt limit, as long as it is in ONE GO between 29 March and midnight 25 April.
- Post your intent to challenge, and when in the event on Facebook and keep us posted.
- Post your run on this Event and Fresh Trails FB page. Instagram guys please share to FB.
- Finishing the challenge gets you a UBTC Trucker Cap for bragging rights. (Obviously only delivered post Carona) Free before 12 April & for sale to finishers from 12 April. Message us for code.
- Prize for longest run
- Prize for quickest 42.3 km
- Best aid station and support crew
- Freshest Trail (post video of route)
- Bunch of lucky draw prizes
Please guys let’s keep it honest we are paying for those caps from our own pockets.
Any donations would be very welcome!!
Winners will be announced at 18h00 on last day of lock down.
Good luck to challengers and Stay Healthy & Save